For Users Only
If you received your credit report from a company other than, ask the source of the report for instructions on how to dispute information in the credit report.
To Dispute Credit Information found on your report under “CREDIT PROFILE”, please click the link and follow the steps below:
- Name
- Social Security Number
- Birthday
- Phone Number
- Employer Name
- Current Address
- Previous Address, if current is less than 2 years
Review and agree to terms and conditions
View your report – section by section
- Click on an item to see more details. If you find something that you believe to be inaccurate, click on the “Dispute this Item” button
Select a specific reason why you feel the information is inaccurate
- Enter any additional facts that further explain your reason for dispute
- Review the “Tell me more about dispute reasons” for tips on how to dispute a particular item
A notice is immediately sent to the source of the information. Generally within 30 days, the source must verify your account data. Information verified as accurate cannot be removed from your credit report; Experian will notify you when the results of your dispute investigation have been completed.
To dispute any information contained within your report regarding Criminal, Eviction, Sex Offender, Terrorist, rental and or employment please email